Program Listing for File interp.h

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 * interp.h Interpolation tools
 * Author:              Tom Clark  (thclark @ github)
 * Copyright (c) 2019 Octue Ltd. All Rights Reserved.


#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <unsupported/Eigen/Splines>

namespace utilities {

class LinearInterpolant {
    LinearInterpolant(const Eigen::ArrayXd x_vec, const Eigen::ArrayXd y_vec)
      : x_min(x_vec.minCoeff()), x_max(x_vec.maxCoeff()), x(x_vec), y(y_vec) {}

    double operator()(double xi) const {
        double bounded_xi = std::max(std::min(xi, x_max), x_min);
        Eigen::Index node = findNode(bounded_xi);
        if (node == x.size()-1) {
            return y[node];
        double proportion = (bounded_xi - x[node]) / (x[node + 1] - x[node]);
        return proportion * (y[node + 1] - y[node]) + y[node];

    Eigen::ArrayXd operator()(Eigen::ArrayXd const &xi_vec) {
        Eigen::ArrayXd yi_vec(xi_vec.rows());
        yi_vec = xi_vec.unaryExpr([this](double xi) { return this->operator()(xi); }).transpose();
        return yi_vec;


    // Find the index of the data value in x_vec immediately before the required xi value
    Eigen::Index findNode(const double bounded_xi) const {

        // Run a binary search to find the adjacent node in the grid. This is O(log(N)) to evaluate one location.
        Eigen::Index low = 0;
        Eigen::Index high = x.size();
        while (low != high) {
            Eigen::Index mid = (low + high) / 2; // Or a fancy way to avoid int overflow
            if (x[mid] <= bounded_xi) {
                low = mid + 1;
            } else {
                high = mid;
        return low - 1;

    // Boundaries of the vector
    double x_min;
    double x_max;

    // Hold a copy of the data in case it changes outside during the life of the interpolant
    Eigen::ArrayXd x;
    Eigen::ArrayXd y;

class CubicSplineInterpolant {
    CubicSplineInterpolant(Eigen::VectorXd const &x_vec, Eigen::VectorXd const &y_vec)
        : x_min(x_vec.minCoeff()),
          spline_(Eigen::SplineFitting<Eigen::Spline<double, 1>>::Interpolate(
              // No more than cubic spline, but accept short vectors.
              std::min<long>(x_vec.rows() - 1, 3),
              scaled_values(x_vec))) {}

    double operator()(double xi) const {
        // x values need to be scaled down in extraction as well.
        return spline_(scaled_value(xi))(0);

    Eigen::VectorXd operator()(Eigen::VectorXd const &xi_vec) {
        Eigen::VectorXd yi_vec(xi_vec.rows());
        yi_vec = xi_vec.unaryExpr([this](double xi) { return spline_(scaled_value(xi))(0); }).transpose();
        return yi_vec;

    double scaled_value(double x) const {
        return (x - x_min) / (x_max - x_min);

    Eigen::RowVectorXd scaled_values(Eigen::VectorXd const &x_vec) const {
        return x_vec.unaryExpr([this](double x) { return scaled_value(x); }).transpose();

    double x_min;
    double x_max;

    // Spline of one-dimensional "points."
    Eigen::Spline<double, 1> spline_;

}  /* namespace utilities */