Program Listing for File profile.h

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 * profile.h Profile handling for (e.g.) Velocity, Reynolds Stress and Spectral Tensor Profile management
 * Function definitions are included here, rather than the cpp file, because of the templating constraint. See
 * Author:                   Tom Clark (thclark @ github)
 * Copyright (c) 2016-9 Octue Ltd. All Rights Reserved.


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>

namespace es {

class Bins {

    // Construct from a spacing with bin sizes set by central differencing of spacing
    Bins(std::vector<double> z);

    // Construct from spacing with bin sizes specified
    Bins(std::vector<double> z, std::vector<double> dx, std::vector<double> dy, std::vector<double> dz);

    // Construct from spacing and a half angle in degrees, dz set by central differencing of spacing
    Bins(std::vector<double> z, double half_angle_degrees);

    // Construct from spacing and a half angle in degrees, with dz specified
    Bins(std::vector<double> z, double half_angle_degrees, std::vector<double> dz);

    // Destroy

    // Vectors of z locations and bin dimensions
    unsigned long n_bins;
    std::vector<double> z_ctrs;
    std::vector<double> dx;
    std::vector<double> dy;
    std::vector<double> dz;


// Represent Bins class in logs or ostream
::std::ostream& operator<<(::std::ostream& os, const Bins& bins);

template <class ProfileType>
class Profile {
    std::vector<ProfileType> values;


    // Construct using bins only (zero values and position)
    Profile(const Bins &bins);

    // Construct using bins and a global origin location
    Profile(const Bins &bins, double x, double y, double z);

    // Destroy
    virtual ~Profile();

    // Get the values, whatever type they might be
    const std::vector<ProfileType> &getValues() const;

    void setValues(const std::vector<ProfileType> &values);

    // Properties
    double position[3];
    Bins bins;


// Represent Profiles class in logs or ostream
template <class ProfileType>
::std::ostream& operator<<(::std::ostream& os, const Profile<ProfileType>& profile);

template <class ProfileType>
Profile<ProfileType>::Profile(const Bins &bins) : bins(bins) {
    // Construct from just bins, with default position {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}
    position[0] = 0.0;
    position[1] = 0.0;
    position[2] = 0.0;

template <class ProfileType>
Profile<ProfileType>::~Profile() {
    // Destructor

template <class ProfileType>
Profile<ProfileType>::Profile(const Bins &bins, double x, double y, double z): bins(bins) {
    // Construct from bins and a position
    position[0] = x;
    position[1] = y;
    position[2] = z;

template <class ProfileType>
void Profile<ProfileType>::setValues(const std::vector<ProfileType> &values) {
    if (values.size() != bins.n_bins) {
        throw std::out_of_range("size of vector 'values' does not equal the number of bins for this profile");
    Profile::values = values;

template <class ProfileType>
const std::vector<ProfileType> &Profile<ProfileType>::getValues() const {
    return values;

//template <class ProfileType>
//const std::vector<ProfileType> &Profile<ProfileType>::getZDerivative() const {
//    // Get the first derivative with respect to Z location using Eigen's Autodiff
//    // Some examples can be found in eigen/unsupported/doc/examples/AutoDiff.cpp
//    return derivatives;

template <class ProfileType>
::std::ostream& operator<<(::std::ostream& os, const Profile<ProfileType>& profile) {
    // Represent in logs or ostream
    return os << "debug statement for profile class";

class VelocityProfile: public Profile<double> {
    virtual ~VelocityProfile();

//    VectorXd AutoDiff();

} /* namespace es */