Function es::fit_lewkowicz_speed(const Eigen::ArrayXd&, const Eigen::ArrayXd&, const Array5b&, const Array5d&, bool)

Function Documentation

Array5d es::fit_lewkowicz_speed(const Eigen::ArrayXd &z, const Eigen::ArrayXd &u, const Array5b &fixed_params, const Array5d &initial_params, bool print_report = true)

Determine best fit of Lewkowicz relation to input speed profile.

Robustly fits Lewkowicz speed relation \( u = f(z, \Pi, \kappa, U_{inf}, S, \delta_{c}) \) to input data \( u, z \).

An initial guess is required, and parameters can be fixed to help constrain the fitting process. See also fit_lewkowicz_speed(const Eigen::ArrayXd &z, const Eigen::ArrayXd &u, bool print_report = true) for providing a set of default values and fixed parameters.

Parameters are as follows:

  • pi_coles = params[0]
  • kappa = params[1]
  • u_inf = params[2]
  • shear_ratio = params[3]
  • delta_c = params[4]

The fitting process uses a Levenberg-Marquadt solver (provided by ceres-solver) with Automatic differentiation (for improved numeric stability and convergence over numerical differentiation approaches), and a Cauchy Loss function of parameter 0.5 (for robustness agains outlying data entries).

Array5d containing fitted values [pi_coles, kappa, u_inf, shear_ratio, delta_c]
  • z: Vertical locations in m (or normalised, if z_ref = 1.0)
  • u: Observed speeds at corresponding vertical locations, in m/s
  • fixed_params: Eigen::Array<bool, 5, 1>, logical mask, true where the parameter is fixed, false where it is allowed to vary
  • initial_params: Eigen::Array<double, 5, 1> containing initial parameter values. These are used where fixed parameters are specified
  • print_report: bool, default true. If true, the solver prints iterations summary and full final convergence and solution report (for debugging and validation purposes).