Class LinearInterpolant

Class Documentation

class LinearInterpolant

Public Functions

LinearInterpolant(const Eigen::ArrayXd x_vec, const Eigen::ArrayXd y_vec)

Create a linear interpolant.

Initialise an interpolant as follows:

Eigen::ArrayXd xvals(3); Eigen::ArrayXd yvals(xvals.rows());

xvals << 0, 15, 30; yvals << 0, 12, 17;

LinearInterpolant s(xvals, yvals);

double operator()(double xi) const

Evaluate interpolant at values xi whose yi values are unknown.

Out of range xi values are constrained to the endpoints (i.e. nearest neighbour interpolation)

Performs linear interpolation to evaluate values yi at // … Initialise interpolant (see constructor) … LinearInterpolant s(xvals, yvals); std::cout << s(12.34) << std::endl;

double interpolated value yi corresponding to location xi
  • xi: double (or eigen ArrayXd) of target x values for the interpolation

Eigen::ArrayXd operator()(Eigen::ArrayXd const &xi_vec)